
Visual Experiments

Design | Art | Creativity | Experiment

As a graphic designer, my passion goes beyond just creating visually appealing designs. I am deeply enthusiastic about exploring new ideas and experimenting with different concepts. I thrive on the excitement of trying new things and seeing where these creative ventures lead me. My love for design is rooted in this process of discovery and innovation, always pushing boundaries and striving for unique, impactful results. This section of my website is dedicated to showcasing the exploratory side of my creativity, where I make art, design, and refine my ideas. It’s a space for experimentation and growth, and while it highlights my passion and creativity, it should not be taken as a reflection of my professionalism.


Steganography is the art and science of concealing hidden messages within ordinary communications, so only the intended recipient is aware of their existence. This differs from cryptography, where the presence of a message is obvious, but its content is obscured. I have always been fascinated by exploring unconventional methods of advertising and design. With my creative flair, I continuously strive to develop innovative ideas in the realm of graphic design. These are exciting times, especially with countries like Brazil banning outdoor advertising in São Paulo. Such changes compel designers to think beyond traditional print-based campaigns and discover new ways to promote and advertise.


Collage – Experiment

I haven’t painted for many years since an infection in my wrist left my joint dry and have many issues. But I really wanted to explore a little collage and painting so this is something I’m currently working on.

So far Im happy with the result but I need to correct many things and work on the shading and lighting.


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